Stromboli Vulcano: Description, Activities, and Services - Aeolian Tourist Guide

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Stromboli Volcano

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Stromboli is an Italian island belonging to the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands, in Sicily. Located in the Tyrrhenian basin of the western Mediterranean Sea, the island is the northernmost of the Aeolian Islands and covers an area of ​​12,2 km². On the island there is the homonymous volcano. 
Stromboli is a volcano characterized by regular explosions caused by the bursting of gas bubbles; her eruptions they occur with intervals that can vary from minutes to several hours.
Its “ordinary” activity takes place at an altitude of 750 m asl from the various eruptive vents in the area crater and aligned in a north-east - south-west direction. This activity consists of intermittent explosions of medium energy, usually lasting a few seconds or tens of seconds, and are well separated from each other, during which small quantities of slag bombs incandescent, lapillivolcanic ash and stone blocks, with exit speeds ranging from 20 to 120 meters per second and heights ranging from a few tens to a few hundred meters.


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