Piazza Venezia

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Piazza Venezia Rome

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Piazza Venezia is a famous square in Rome. It is located at the foot of the Capitol, where five of the most important streets of the capital cross. Of which via dei Fori Imperiali, via del Corso, the via C. Battisti-via Nazionale axis, the via del Plebiscito-corso Vittorio axis and via del Teatro di Marcello. 
The square is dominated byAltar of the Fatherland, One of the Italian patri symbols   there are three monumental buildings surrounding it on the other sides. The oldest is the fifteenth century Venice palace, which gives the square its name and which is the seat ofhomonymous national museum. The other buildings are from the seventeenth century Bonaparte palace and the building of the Assicurazioni Generali, built in the early twentieth century. 
The five important streets that branch off from Piazza Venezia make it a fundamental node of the urban fabric. The oldest is the central one Via del Corso, which connects the square with the northern area of ​​the capital. The route of via del Corso dates back to 220 BC, following that of the urban stretch of the Via Flaminia, one of the most important consular routes.


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00186 Rome RM
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