Ventotene Favorite Add to favorites Ventotene Data / InformationData / InformationWEBCAM LIVEINFORMATION Your browser does not support the video tag. Show/Hide Weather Forecast VENTOTENE Reading: Wind direction: Current wind: MAX Gust: Maximum gust today: Temperature: Humidity: Visit the other webcamsAllSardiniaSiciliaLazioCalabriaCampaniaPugliaVenetoLombardiaEmilia RomagnaLiguriaMarcheMoliseUmbriaTrentino Alto AdigePiemonteToscanaBRAZILSPAINPORTUGALUNITED STATES Port of San Benedetto del Tronto Roccaruja Stintino Civitanova Campitello Matese Pianoro 1 2 3 ... 55 > Location Description Ventotene it's a'isola of the Tyrrhenian Sea, located off the coast on the border between Lazio e Campania. The island has origins volcanic, and makes geographically part ofPonziano archipelago. It represents the terminal part of a submerged volcano that rises from a seabed 700 meters deep[ Services - Hotel- Restaurant- Bar- Boat rental Sports activities - Peach- Tourist trips Contact Mast'Aniello restaurantPhone: 0771 854007