Roccaraso is located in the lower province of L'Aquila, a few kilometers south of the Cinquemiglia plateau and the Quarto Grande plateau, in the area of the major plateaus of Abruzzo, dominated to the west by the Aremogna plain and the Roccaraso mountains (subgroup of Monte Greek). The city center is located at 1236 m asl
In spring and autumn it can be very cold and rainfall is abundant, while in summer the climate is mild and sunny, with temperatures that rarely reach 30 degrees and very cool nights. Sometimes some summer storm seems to break the summer, more frequently than on the coasts. There are generally some continental characteristics, even if rainfall is more abundant in winter than in summer. There are different microclimates depending on the altitude and exposure of the valleys. In the cold plain of the five miles the -30 degrees were repeatedly touched, due to the pronounced continentality of the climate in that valley. In the country, however, such extreme temperatures are uncommon.
– SnowKite School
-Ski school – Snowboard school
Sports activities
- Trekking - Bike - Ski
Contact us
SNOW APENNINES Italian Ski School Roccaraso – Aremogna MeteoMolise