Brezzo Bedero

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Brezzo Bedero

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Situated on the Valtravaglia plateau, Brezzo di Bedero was originally divided into the two centres, Brezzo and Bedero. Today it overlooks Lake Maggiore and extends from Rocca di Caldè to Pasquè di Bedero among verdant valleys, woods and the Alpine arc as a backdrop. 

The whole area offers glimpses of enchanting beauty and opportunities for relaxation, including the municipal beach, nominated as one of the twelve best beaches in the province of Varese.

The village is also famous for the local vines, whose wine production has origins dating back to the 500th century. From historical memory there is also evidence of the activity of the population which has always been linked to the land. In the hills hay, wheat and maize were grown and in smaller quantities also barley, rye, peas, lentils, potatoes, hemp.

All the families of the area also dedicated themselves to the breeding of silkworms.


-  Guided tours
– Tourist visits

Sports activities

- Pool
- Mini-golf
- Tennis


Vereniging Village of Sunclass Bedero

tel: + 39.0332.532378

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