Celle Ligure - Hooks

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Montallegro - Masseria Ganci

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Ganci farm is an exclusive location for your unforgettable moments. The villa is located on the hills of Celle Ligure just 2 km from the sea in an enchanting place that enjoys an incomparable view. A romantic and intimate atmosphere, full of charm and relaxation that makes this structure the perfect location for events and more.
The atmosphere of the Hooks can already be breathed from the road to reach the house: rows of olive trees and vineyards alternate to make room for a garden of roses, lavender and wisteria.
The farm will allow you to spend unforgettable days, you can wake up and have a small breakfast facing the sea in the shade of the pergolas, cool off in the pool, organize a game of billiards, go down to the beach, go for a horse ride or decide for a panoramic flight in helicopter ... Then, on your return, find a welcome drink and a refined dinner served in the Moroccan pergola at nightfall, admiring the lights of the harbor ...


- Tourism
- Restaurant
- Events

Sports activities


Masseria Ganci

Location Celle Ligure (SV)
Email: info@gancifarm.com
Phone: 347 4353037