Savogna Pelizzo Refuge
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Savogna is located in the Natisone Valleys, in the heart of Europe, a meeting point between Latin and Balkan cultures. We are in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, in a natural area with great biodiversity and a great cultural heritage deriving from its border dimension with rich multi-ethnic exchanges.
The Municipality is divided into different hamlets, which start from 235 meters (where the capital is located), and rise up to 954 meters, and is crossed by the Alberone and Rieca streams, tributaries of the Natisone river which gives its name to the valleys that surround it .
The Matajur mountain, the beating heart of the Municipality of Savogna, 1.641 meters high, is the symbol of the Natisone Valleys, the majestic "Lady" who dominates them and makes them magical, together with all the mythological characters who inhabit them. The territory has a cultural value that we want to preserve, an ancient language is spoken here, made up of unique songs and traditions. This wealth is preserved by the work of the many associations that are committed to always promoting new activities and initiatives that link ancient knowledge and production to the natural resources of the Valleys.
Choosing to live in Savogna means adopting a fascinating culture, practicing outdoor sports, following healthy walking paths, enjoying unique landscapes, breathtaking sunsets and a starry sky, during all seasons of the year.
» Small Botanical Garden.
» “Green Weeks” for primary school students organized in collaboration with schools and nature guides.
Sports activities
" Table games.
» Starting point for hang gliding and paragliding.
Pellizzo refuge
33040 Savogna di Cividale UD
Refuge: 0432.714041
Alpine Rescue Station: 0432.981487