Serra San Bruno

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Serra San Bruno

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The foundation of Serra San Bruno dates back to 1095, the town of Serra San Bruno is affected by an endemic microclimate: the vegetation surrounding the town denotes a unique ecosystem of its kind. In fact, it is very rare to find beech and silver fir woods in the Apennines at an altitude of only 800 meters (altitude at which the chestnut tree generally dominates).
Abundant humidity and rainfall, and a relatively cool summer climate, on the other hand, allow the development of these species about 200 meters below their typical altitude. The main attraction of Serra, in addition to the places of San Bruno, are the forests. The municipality is characterized by the presence of numerous plant species among which the most common are: beech, chestnut and silver fir, with specimens of gigantic, centuries-old plants, which form a very dense forest mantle. The Serrese climate can be defined as “low mountain with high rainfall”; winters are in fact humid and very rainy. Snow is not unusual. The intermediate seasons are cool and also very rainy. In summer there is less rainfall, and a strong temperature range between day and night.
There is no shortage of thunderstorms, especially in June and in the second half of August. The presence of the Certosa has enormously influenced the architectural development of the town and of the entire area, in fact the presence of craftsmen, wood artists, blacksmiths and decorators was well known. There are nine churches in the area, which testify to the activity of local brotherhoods. 


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